Permittivity Data - Plastic Materials



Elhawil: Proc. Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 2007, Brussels

Laminated Plastics: Rexolite technical data sheet


Rice: Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6948(2008)

Riddle: IEEE T-MTT, 51(3), 727-, 2003

Rohde & Schwarz: Application Note RAC0607-0019


[Permittivity Data in Alphabetical Order]

ABS(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene): 2.7/0.008/11GHz[Riddle]

Acetal copolymer: 3.7

Acetal homopolymer: See POM

Bakelite: 3.64/0.19/3GHz [RFDH], 3.52/0.13/10GHz[RHDH]


Cellulose acetate:

CPS(cross-linked polystyrne): 2.54/0.0005/10.7GHz[Riddle]


Epoxy Resin:


HDPE(high-density polyethylene, PE homopolymer): 2.37/0.0002/11.3GHz[Riddle], 2.34/?/26.5-40GHz[Seeger], 2.34/?/1MHz-40GHz (no dispersion)[Seeger]

HDPTFE(high-dnsity polyytetraflouroethylene): 2.04/0.0004/11.5GHz[Riddle]

LCP(liquid crystal polymer): 3.16¡¾0.06/0.0049/100GHz[Rice]

Lucite HM-119: 2.57/0.0126/3GHz[RFDH], 2.57/0.0082/10GHz[RFDH]


Neoprene compound (38% GN): 4.27/0.27/0.3GHz[RFDH], 4.0/0.135/3GHz[RFDH], 4.0/0.105/10GHz[RFDH]

Nylon: 2.9957/0.018/26-40GHz[Abbas]

Nylon 65: 3.03/0.039/3GHz[RFDH]

Nylon 66: 4.6

Nylon 610: 2.84/0.034/3GHz[RFDH]

Plexiglass: 2.66/0.165/0.3GHz[RFDH], 2.6/0.015/3GHz[RFDH], 2.59/0.018/10GHz[RFDH]

Polyamide(PA): 3.01/0.02/10.8GHz[Riddle]

Polybutylene terephthalae(PBT): 3.1

Polycarbonate(PC): 2.76/0.0005/11GHz[Riddle]

Polyester (thermoset): 4.0/0.0050/2.45GHz[Rohde & Schwarz]

Polyethylene(PE): 2.3

Polyethylene terephthalate(PET): 3.0


Polymethylmethaacrylate(PMMA): 2.61/0.01/11GHz[Riddle]

Polyoxymethylene(POM, acteal homopolymer): 2.73/0.006/11GHz[Riddle]

Polypropylene(PP): 2.27/0.0001/9.4GHz[Riddle]

Polyphenylene sulfide(PPS): 3.2

Polystyrene(PS) 2.505/0.00025/26-40GHz[Abbas]

Polysulfone: 10.8GHz, 2.98/0.01/10.8GHz[Riddle]

PTFE(Polytetraflouroethylene): 2.1/0.0003/2.45GHz[Rohde & Schwarz], 2.05/0.0002/10GHz[Riddle], 1.950/0.0001/26-40GHz[Abbas], 2.05/0.0005/70-110GHz [Elhawil]

Polyvinylchloride(PVC): 2.71/0.006/11GHz [Riddle]

Rexolite 1422(unfilled, cross-linked polystyrene and divinylbenzene):

     2.54/0.001219/3GHz [RFDH], 2.53/0.00012(1MHz), 0.00025(10MHz), 0.00066(10GHz)[Laminated Plastics]


Rubber, pale crepe (hevea): 2.15/0.0065/3GHz[RFDH]

Styrofoam: 1.03/0.0001(3GHz), 0.00015(10GHz)[RFDH]

Tetrafluorethyleneperfluorpropylene(TFEP):   2.02/0.0004/10.4GHz [Riddle]



Dielectric Constants at 94GHz

1. By A. Elhawil et al., Proc. Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 2007, Brussels


2. By R. L. Cravey, NASA Tech. Memo. 110344, May 1997.

3. By M. N. Afsar et al., 2000 IEEE MTT-S Symp.




o. By M. N. Afsar et al., IEEE Trans. Instru. Meas., 53(4), Aug. 2004.]

1) Permittivity at 60GHz

o. By M. N. Afsar et al., IEEE IMTC 2005, f =100GHz


o. By S. Chen et al. (Afsar group),IEEE IRMMW-THz 2006

Liquid Crystal Polymer

¤·. K. Takata and A.-V. Pham, IEEE Polytronic 2007 Conference















¤·. By D. C. Thompson et al., IEEE T-MTT, 52(4), Apr. 2004.



¤·. Dielectric constant of packaging and substrate materials at MMW

by T. Zwick et al., IEEE T-MTT 54(3) Mar 2006.




o. Substrate permittity at 95GHz

R. Sturdivant,

LTCC=by Ferro Corporation A6 ceramic


o. Temperature-dependent permittivity of plastic materials

B. Riddle et al., IEEE T-MTT 51(3) Mar 2003





C. M. Alabaster and J. S. Dahele, IEEE ICAP 2003


¤·. MMW permittivity of low-loss dielectric materials

Y. Kogami et al., IEEE MIKON-200


o. HTCC alumina

R. Sturdivant, 2006 IMAPS Conf.