Chapter 7 Radar
and Sensor Systems
Radar (RAdio Detection And Ranging)
7.1 Introduction
and Classifications
1) Radar block diagram
Target and RCS (radar cross section)
Electromagnetic wave propagation
Antenna and antenna array (passive or active
electronic beam scanning)
T/R (transmit/receive) module
Radar waveform design
Digital receiver
Signal processing
Data processing
2) Radar classification
- By range: short-range, medium-range, long-range, over-the-horizon
- By platform: ground, shipboard, airborne,
satellite-borne, on board the spacecraft
- By application sector: civilian, military
7.2 Radar Equation
7.3 Radar Equation
Including Pulse Integration and System Losses
Lsys: system loss
7.4 Radar Cross Section
Stealth Aircraft RCS: 0.1 m2 max
Sukhoi PAK FA
7.5 Pulse Radar
7.6 Continuous-Wave or
Doppler Radar
- Detection of target speed only.
Figure: Homodyne CW Doppler radar
7.7 Frequency-Modulated
Continuous-Wave (FMCW) Radar
- Detection of target distance and speed
7.8 Direction Finding and
- Omitted for graduate-level study