ICT083 Antenna Design

Linear Array Antennas, Basic Level


I. Theory

1. Introduction

1) Why use array antenns?

- Narrow beam or high gain antenna

- Electronic beam scanning: Phased array antenna

- Smart antenna: Adptive digital beamforming


Figure: Antenna arrays and their directivity patterns [O'Donnell]


2) Linear array:

- Place many antenna elements on a straight line (= array axis).

- Narrow beam in the plane of the array axis.

- Wide beam in the orthogonal plane


3) Applications of linear array antennas

- Mobile communication base station antennas

- Marine navigational radar antennas

- Broadcast transmitting antennas

- Radio astronomy antennas


4) Constituents of an antenna array

- Array elements: Radiators, radiating elements

- Feed network: Series, parallel, series/parallel, space-fed

- Array beam control unit: Passive, active


2. Theory of Antenna Arrays

2.1 Two-element array

Figure: Two-element array of an ideal dipole


An ideal dipole with z-directed current at origin:



Two-element array of an ideal dipole:




      (element factor)

      (array factor)

      (pattern factor) : principle of pattern multiplicaton


     EF(element factor): Radiation pattern of a single element of the array

     AF(array factor): Radiation pattern due to the element arrangement

     PF(pattern factor): Radiation pattern of an array antenna



Figure: Principle of pattern multiplication [O'Donnell]


Simple examples of array factor:

- Element: Isotropic radiator

Figure: Simple examples of array factor


2.2 Linear Arrays

2.1 Array factor of a linear array


Figure: Uniformly spaced linear array [Stutzman]


     : element position

     : element current

          An : current magnitude

          : current phase





Beam scanning:


     : phase difference between elements

(Important) The main lobe is tilted in the direction of decreasing phase.


     : Scan to the left

     : Scan to the right


     The case  is symmetric to the case .


Broadside, scanned and endfire array:

- Broadside array:

- Endfire array:  or

- Scanned array:



Figure: Broadside, endfire, and scanned arrays [Balanis]


Figure: Broadside, scanned, and endfire arrays (N = 20, d = λ/4) [O'Donnell]


2.2 Graphical Methods of Array Pattern Plotting

Uniformly excited linear arrays:



      : normalized array factor


Properties of :

     - Maximum at ψ = 2 (n = 0, ±1, ±2, ...)

     - Period of ψ : 2π

     - Symmetric with respect to ψ = π

     - Distance between nulls:

          : major lobes

          : minor lobes



Figure: Array factor of uniformly excited linear arrays with N = 3 and 5 [Stutzman]

Graphical Methods for Plotting the Array Factor:

- First plot the array factor

- Next plot a circle for the polar radiation pattern diagram with radius  and center at .

Figure: Graphical method for plotting a polar pattern of the array factor [Stutzman]


Uniform two-element array:

Figure: Pattern plot for uniform two-element array. (b) d = 0.5λ, α = 0, (c) d = 0.5λ, α = π, (d) d = 0.25λ, α = –π/2

Four-element scanned array:

Figure: Examplex of array factor plotting (N = 4, α = π/2, d = λ/2) [Stutzman]


2.3 Grating Lobes

- Grating lobe: More than one major lobe




AF is maximum when


     : Main lobe

      : Grating lobes


No grating lobe condition:

     : Visible region









Figure: Grating lobes in 10-element broadside (top) and enfire (bottom) arrays with element spacing of λ/4, λ/2, and λ [O'Donnell]


II. Exersice Problems

Element: Half-wave dipole

Element spacing: d

Dipole current: In y direction   

Array current distribution: Magnitude = uniform with phasing to be designed for beam scanning

Array axis: In z direction

Design the following array plot the element factor, the array factor, and the pattern factor in the E- and H-plane.

No part of the grating lobe appears in the visible region.

1. N = 2,

2. N = 5,

3. N = 6,


III. Examples of Linear Array Antennas



Figure: Linear array antennas in mobile communicatios base stations [ESTEL, Wirelesse Adviser.com, PPG Cuming Microwave]



Figure: Linear array of circularly polarized antennas for terrestrial TV broadcast transmission at 50-200MHz (Channels 2 to 6) [Alan Dick]




Figure: Linear array of patches. 16.25GHz 18 elements, 0.48λ spacing, 35° scan